Thursday, September 1, 2011

When we are silent...1

It has always been said that one's hatred for something does all but guarantee that he never has to preoccupy himself with it. That was what Dr. Arisekola continually intoned as he strode into Legal Theory lectures.


Oyinwa Philips.  Defence Attorney. Sounds great doesn't it? Yeah even in my ears it does...But it didn't always sound so good. I really just wanted the solitude of music and litterature...but Arisekola knew his onions when he made that statement his maxim for legal theory. I sit on my bed right now as I patiently await sleep. PING. I have to be present at a meeting tomorrow and sound vaguely official an no, I can't say no. I'm on leave. Why now? EA Davidson and Sons Chambers, the firm I work for will be signing a deal with InfoLex Legal Solutions Ltd, an Info-Legal software company. I honestly have only ever heard about the deal and the signing in passing.  So getting a BBM from my boss, Mr Efe Davidson stating that I am to be present at a brunch meeting with the Reps from infoLex is a bit like huh? why? but a young but favoured Senior Partner does not turn down an opportunity to shine. And the bosses say it will be an easy score for me cos I'd dazzle them with a smile and quick wit. Ha! anything to make a fast legit million right? Smh.

On the flip side, this should give me company for at least one day during my six-week leave.
Stay with Me by Ese comes on for like the umpteenth time. I levitate and feel like love is beautiful then cry cos all men fall but some are despicable. Love or not. I wish I had asked that question...Will he cleanse me when I fall??? Right now? I'm trying not to crawl back to what I thought was Love...


Story for another day.

Clutching a drenched pillow, I make to call up Musa, My steward and brother from years of solitude since my youth in this house all by myself; just too tell him we wouldn't be going on that drive I had suggested as work beckoned and also to tell him to kindly wake me up for 7...Ring, Ring, R---*phone slips from ear*


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